Pendekar Bujang Lapok in a quick summary is where the bachelor trio are on a mission to learn the art of 'penchak silat' (traditional art of fighting) from Pendekar Mustar of Kampong Pinang Sebatang, after having seen (or at least seen the after-effects) of his talent at a local jetty. Pendekar Bujang Lapok is also arguably the best of the Bujang Lapok series in terms of a comedy with a proper story-line (In my opinion, Bujang Lapok was an excellent drama story with comedy elements being thrown in very sensibly and appropriately, Ali Baba Bujang Lapok on a similar level with Pendekar and can be argued which of the two was better, whereas Seniman Bujang Lapok was more melodramatic and taught us all lessons in life, although it has to be said had the best sketches within all the films put together in the acting auditions sketch).

Out of all the P Ramlee comedy series (Do Re Mi, Bujang Lapok, Labu Labi), the Bujang Lapok series is probably considered the best with the Legend P Ramlee being paired against two talented actors in the Ad-Lib genre in S Shamsuddin and Aziz Satar.